Cade Cobble

Commercial Lines Agent
Direct: 405-735-6328
Cade has worked in insurance since 2011 and is a licensed
agent. He grew up in Moore, Oklahoma and graduated from Moore High
School in 2012. He graduated from Rose State in 2014, where he was a
Leadership Scholar. One of the most significant events in Cade's life was
when he traveled to Nicaragua on a mission trip with his church in April of
2012. There he ministered to children by sharing Bible lessons and adults
by helping dig ditches and repair buildings. In his spare time he likes to
play sports with friends and watch movies. He also enjoys playing the
piano, check him out on YouTube, and plays on worship teams at church. He is a youth
Sunday School teacher and spends a week at Falls Creek with them each summer. When
he’s not selling insurance he can usually be found near a ping pong table practicing to
become an Olympian. If that does not work out then hopefully Taylor Swift has room on her
world tour for him.