Helpful Hints: Auto Insurance Savings


Helpful Hints: Auto Insurance Savings

Have you ever wished someone would give you the inside scoop about saving on your auto insurance? Look no further, we’ve got some helpful hints for you! Though there’s many factors in the rating process these are some of the major points many people may not know about:

  1. Many carriers offer significant discounts for bundling home & auto together. Some even give minor discounts for other bundled policies like landlord properties, boat, motorcycle, etc. You will usually get the best deals when you have all your insurance in one place!
  2. The safer/low-profile your vehicle, the better the rates. High value, designer vehicles are usually a bit higher in premium due to potential increased risk.
  3. Your credit score actually plays a bigger role in rates than most people realize. The better your score and the better your insurance history (no lapses in coverage) helps ensure you get the best rates.
  4. Myth Buster! Car color actually doesn’t factor into rates for insurance at all.
  5. It’s smart to shop around every few years. If you see major rate increases without claims or violations, then we might be able to find a better option or even a new company to better fit your needs.
  6. Payment method can impact your savings as well. Paying in full for the year will always be the best rate. If you prefer monthly payments, doing an automatic draft from a bank account is going to be less than manually paying your bill by mail each month.

These are just a few things that are helpful as you consider saving on your auto insurance, but we are always available and willing to answer any questions you might have! Give us a call and we’ll be happy to walk with you through the process.

Happy Friday!

Team Cobble


Call us at 405-759-3652


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