Independent vs. Captive
Did you know that all insurance companies are not the same? No-brainer, huh? We find that one major difference that most people don’t realize is how the agency is setup – Independent vs. Captive.
A CAPTIVE Agency is one that sells coverage exclusively for their parent company & its affiliates.
An INDEPENDENT Agency is one that represents many insurance carriers. We, at Cobble, are an independent agency.
The benefit to being independent is that we have multiple carriers that we can shop to find you the best coverage for the best rates. And we don’t just do this once, we can do this at any renewal.
For example: if you are with our agency with ‘Company X’ and have seen rate increases without any claims or changes, we can review and even shop our other carriers to see if we can find a better option for you.
Whether you are a current customer or a potential customer, don’t hesitate to call or email us to see if we can find you better rates. We are often able to find significantly better options for people. So let us get to work for you!
We’ll talk to you soon!
Team Cobble